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June Brewery of the Month - Bierstadt

Wed, Jun 05, 24

Bierstadt Brewery is a Lagerhouse and Lager-only brewpub that specializes in traditional beers.  Throughout much of “bier-making” history, humanity was not privy to the modern technological marvels we have today. Seasonal lagers were brewed based on readily available ingredients, tradition, and weather conditions; rarity was part of the associated charm to be revered and celebrated.      

Despite utilizing many of the aforementioned technological advances, they remain staunch defenders of brewing tradition. You won't find their Oktoberfest in July, because each of their seasonal lagers is released right when it should be, without any undue seasonal creep. Much like The Slow Pour Pils, some things are worth the wait!

Winter Bock

Becksy's Winter Bock is​​ a Bock style beer.  The smell is reminiscent of freshly toasted bread and roasted grain mixes hints of apple and caramel and a light hop. This is medium bodied, creamy, and very drinkable, with a smooth finish.

Heirloom Corn Lager

The entire crew at Finn’s Manor went to Oaxaca, Mexico, to learn about Mezcal.  The two sides chatted about collaborating with using heirloom Oaxacan corn, they both said hell yes! 40% of the grist was whole kernel blue and purple Oaxacan corn they ground themselves. It has left the lager with the very slightest pink tint.

Snupinator Doppelbock

Snupinator Doppelbock pours a dark brown color with a small, khaki-colored head of foam. It leaves sudsy trails of lace on the glass. smells of roasted malt, sweet caramel and toffee. It finishes with a smooth taste and sweet caramel alongside toffee.

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