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Downeast Cider

Thu, Dec 01, 22  |  molly's spotlight

Behind The Brew

Ross Brockman and Tyler Mosher founded Downeast Cider during their senior year at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. After graduation, the friends were half-heartedly studying for the GMAT with no plans for real-world jobs and making hard cider as a hobby thanks to the steady stream of apples from their friend and former business partner’s centuries-old family orchard.

The two decided it was best to follow their passions and pursue cider making full time. Brockman’s older brother, Matt, joined the team and took on the role of Downeast’s Chief Operating Officer, overseeing the company’s production, packaging and finance. Since then, the trio has worked non-stop to established Downeast Cider as a top brand in New England and beyond. 

Downeast is meticulous about their process for making high-quality craft ciders. Five fresh apples go into each one of their cans. They deliberately leave their ciders unfiltered, which creates a unique flavor and consistency. They claim this step “leaves the good stuff in there.” Downeast products remind us of the taste of classic apple cider!


Style: Traditional Unfiltered Cider

ABV: 5.1%

Taste: A hard cider that tastes like apple cider. Smooth, refreshing and perfectly balanced. 

Pairings: Creamy pasta dishes and cinnamon desserts.

Molly's Staff Thoughts - Ben's Pick

“Downeast is the original unfiltered cider, which makes it more medium-bodied than other ciders. While on the sweeter side, it isn’t overpowering. The unfiltered body gives Downeast Cider a unique and tasty flavor profile. With two variety packs and three core flavors, there is something for everyone who enjoys good craft cider.”

Find out more about Downeast Cider House and the rest of their products here.